San Francisco
It's a pretty cool place. I managed to at least briefly take in most of its districts. Just walking through them kept me busy for several days.
On a small, public beach, a man built a sand sculpture of a mermaid. He began talking to me about it once he'd finished, saying things like how he "built it from memory" and "knows exactly what she looks like." Maybe he was a mythical sea creature in a past life.
I was in a bar which was also occupied by a drunken crazy man, who decided to repeatedly kick a porsche which was parked outside. The bartender, after seeing this, called the cops as the man drunkenly wandered down the street. Shortly thereafter, The porsche owner and his wife returned to their vehicle to find it freshly kicked. The bartender explained the situation to the car owner, who then went looking for the perpetrator while his wife stayed with the car. Minutes later, the car kicker stumbles back to the scene and begins hitting on the car owner's wife. She calls her husband, who comes back and holds a casual conversation with the car kicker as a way to keep him in one place until the police arrive. The car kicker was arrested.
On a small, public beach, a man built a sand sculpture of a mermaid. He began talking to me about it once he'd finished, saying things like how he "built it from memory" and "knows exactly what she looks like." Maybe he was a mythical sea creature in a past life.
I was in a bar which was also occupied by a drunken crazy man, who decided to repeatedly kick a porsche which was parked outside. The bartender, after seeing this, called the cops as the man drunkenly wandered down the street. Shortly thereafter, The porsche owner and his wife returned to their vehicle to find it freshly kicked. The bartender explained the situation to the car owner, who then went looking for the perpetrator while his wife stayed with the car. Minutes later, the car kicker stumbles back to the scene and begins hitting on the car owner's wife. She calls her husband, who comes back and holds a casual conversation with the car kicker as a way to keep him in one place until the police arrive. The car kicker was arrested.
Glad to hear San Fran was a blast, as was the drive on HWY 1. If you're still there definitely check out the tea garden, I heard it was awesome but I ran out of time.
Anonymous, At
September 14, 2008 at 1:31 AM
Did you go see the corner of Height and Ashberry? I was very disapointed to see the Gap on one corner and Ben & Jerry's on the other. I wanted to see people openly smoking hash and fucking in the streets. Oh well, I guess that is what Amsterdam is for.
Anonymous, At
September 15, 2008 at 10:56 AM
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